Hits: 29211

Tony IK1HGI (Tony's website):


Another by Tony IK1HGI (Tony's website):


Dan M0TGN:


More from Dan M0TGN, on getting the GPS working:


James Saunders:


Roberto IZ7VHF:


Budd WB7FHC, a series documenting the U3 build: Part1: Unboxing


Budd WB7FHC, a series documenting the U3 build: Part2: Low Pass Filters


Budd WB7FHC, a series documenting the U3 build: Part3: The Motherboard


Budd WB7FHC, a series documenting the U3 build: Part4: Putting It On The Air


Fabrizio IZ0HCC 50Mhz Ultimate 3S Multimode Beacon


Keith G6NHU video of Ultimate3S running 4 modes in a 10-minute frame. Please see also Keith's blog page entry on this topic!


4m 10W PI4 Beacon by Luci 9A1Z. This is the official PI4 beacon for Montenegro! See also photos on our builders' photos page and description here.


David Casler builds the Ultimate3S...

Note that in this video the QRP Labs Band Pass Filter kit is used, this is INCORRECT - the Ultimate3S should be built with a Low Pass Filter (LPF) which is in fact the one included with the Ultimate3S kit